“With the same spirit and desire to keep our planet safe, from ALLPOETS we continue to fight for sustainability through our values and our products. And for this reason, and with great enthusiasm, we are launching our first campaign to the world.”
ALLPOETS is the name of the latest brand started by Spanish Etnia Eyewear Culture Group. The young label jumps into the fray with a clear positioning: ALLPOETS is all about maintaining the smallest possible eco footprint. Sustainability serves as the main pillar behind the company philosophy and fundamental element of the brand DNA.
Their new campaign is a call to take care of our world and learn to live in a more sustainable way and to see poetry in the nature that surrounds us… in a simple ray of summer sunshine or in the scent of a flower, even in the colours of an insect or in the gentle movement of the leaves of an olive tree. Let’s make our world a place full of poetry!
It is ALLPOETS’ first collection based on concepts such as sustainable consumption and ethical production. Each item of ALLPOETS eyewear is designed for people who seek top quality at an affordable price. A timeless collection of minimalist basics comprising 44 different models in acetate and metal. 33 prescription frames and 11 sunnies for an ISCC certified modern collection of BIO eyewear. Every single ALLPOETS frame is made from CRT (Carbon Renewed Technology) acetate, created by the Mazzuchelli – Eastman partnership. An infinity of acetates in havana, salmon, olive green, magenta, pink or grey and gold, silver or old gold coloured metals combined with mint, maroon, blue or black hues.
SPECTR talked to Eduard Pitarch, Global Marketing Director at Etnia Eyewear Culture Group, about the ALLPOETS brand approach and their young fan community.

Hi Edu, ALLPOETS is a fairly young brand. When did you make your first pair of glasses?
That was two years ago. We started testing recyclable materials and we clearly saw that the subject warranted the creation of a brand fully focused on this future-oriented segment.
On that note, what was the initial spark for ALLPOETS and your reasoning behind launching a new brand under the Etnia umbrella?
Bill Gates’ book How to Avoid Climate Change was clearly an eye-opener. The climate crisis is a fact, and we have evidence of growing consumer interest in responsible products. We clearly see the impact in segments such as food and fashion, but the optical segment seems reluctant to embrace this reality. It’s only a matter of time before the end consumer will demand 100% responsible products. ALLPOETS is a brand that acts as a loudspeaker. If we can inspire other brands to do the same, it is already a success.
But aren’t almost all brands today trying to operate sustainably?
Yes, many brands are doing greenwashing and communicate the aspect of sustainability as another attribute of the brand. But in our case, it is the backbone.
How do you approach the topic in a tangible way?
We know that by 2050 we must have reversed the effects of climate change, or we will all suffer the consequences. We used to think it was some theory, but every year we see natural disasters and rising temperatures that are not normal.
Where is the connection between your sustainable mission and the brand name, ALLPOETS?
We believe that a poet is anyone who raises their voice to say or denounce something. The philosophy behind the brand is very naturalistic, inspired by nature and its poetics. Studying the behavior of young people, we realized they are more aware of what is happening to the planet than we are. And their way of communicating through quotes and song verses is very similar to the language of poets. ALLPOETS is our way of saying that the new generations are more idealistic than we are and are willing to fight with more certainty for this issue than previous generations were.
In which areas do sustainability aspects manifest at ALLPOETS?
Mainly in the materials of the eyewear and our packaging.
Please explain in more detail, Edu.
We use ISCC-certified acetate which indicates that it is carbon neutral. This is possible thanks to Mazzucchelli’s partnership with Eastman.
To what extent are your manufacturing processes more sustainable than those of other brands?
Basically, we substitute the percentage of plasticizer in the acetate with plant-based plasticizer, so we reduce the oil in the frame to zero.
Are there other areas besides production where you follow your ecological responsibility?
The main part of the company where we have already eliminated single-use plastic entirely is the packaging. We replaced plastic with materials derived from corn and recycled materials are used throughout the company.
How about sustainability at your offices?
Yes, the kitchen that we have just created at Etnia HQ is certified by EcoCook. It is the first certified responsible kitchen, in terms of foods and processes that are followed, in Barcelona.
Back to the products, do you have a special design language?
In the ALLPOETS design department, our design is based on an understanding of the consumption of minimalist basics by new generations.
Is there also a certain color DNA?
The ALLPOETS color palette is much more natural, inspired by the colors of nature.
You mentioned that you’re addressing a rather ‘new’ and young target group. Is this target group particularly receptive to sustainability issues?
Absolutely, yes. Besides, one of the problems of young people is, at least in Spain, the difficult access to work. There is a polarization around purchasing power. Young people cannot access certain things based on price. So the entry price points for ALLPOETS and the positioning is a direct response to them.
But just making sure, older people can also wear your glasses?
Of course they can! It is not an exclusive collection but inclusive, the age range is still wide, perfectly suited from 16 to 60.
Thanks for the interview.

Find more information on www.allpoets.com