News from Austria! ANDY WOLF’s brand new campaign was called “Coalesce”, a word meaning to combine separate elements into a whole. Microcosmically, this campaign was focused on melding colors, forms, materials, and dissimilar entities into one beautiful frame. In a broader sense what the Austrians were trying to epitomize with this Collection COALESCE and Photoshoot was what it means to come together as a global community despite racial, sexual or socio-economic difference. A very current theme to say the least.

Corona has given us an opportunity to take an unprecedented pause and refocus on what is important to us individually and as a company. We have centered even more closely around our core values which inspired us to start our great journey, with the goal to create beautifully designed eyewear in a responsible and sustainable way.

An excellent Leitmotiv, that we can only applaud and support at SPECTR. We are very happy to welcome Andy Wolf into our SPECTR-Family of independent brands!
New Brand Profile at SPECTR.
News from the Brand here: