For their new collection, FACE A FACE’s talented design team further explores the world of light and colour.
Ultra Violet and more vibrant colours from outer space!
From outer space these designs are on collision course with a new planet of aesthetics!
A colourful and supernatural graphic universe permeates these energetic new concepts, which are dreamt into creation as celestial bodies: the halo around the moon of QUARTZ, the horizontal beam of light of HAVANE… The excitement and subtlety of the lighting effects gives this collection a cosmic halo! These optical frames and their geometric designs are inspired by the beauty of asteroids and continue FACE À FACE’s color laboratories exploration of light and its many wonderful facets.
A new colour palette pierces the night: electric ultra-violets and electric pinks are combined with vibrant materials. The heart of the concept is its ever-changing appearance between two states… or between two worlds!
An avant-garde mood for a collection that seems to come from outer space: dare to live with the colours of the future from FACE À FACE.

To find out more about Face à Face, visit:
The Brand is also on FAVR with more models for you to discover!