[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_custom_heading text=”24/7 Clip-On Styles
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German fashion label BERLIN LIEBESKIND has been making a name for itself with innovative fashion pieces since 2003. The common theme: The dazzling creativity, diversity and atmosphere of the German capital – a place unlike any other in the world. Since 2015, LIEBESKIND BERLIN has been featuring eyewear in its line-up, also with a forward-looking aesthetic. Models in the eyewear line continue the prints and colorways of the brand’s apparel and bag collections in unmistakable Berlin style.
As the latest addition to its eyewear collection, LIEBESKIND BERLIN is releasing three prescription frames with a twist: They can be rendered into sunglasses in a snap, thanks to included clip-ons. This time-honored technique is a great fit with the collection’s overall aesthetic of carefully appointed shapes and colors. And clip-ons are a great way to make the transition from inside to outside, or between night and day – as Berlin tends to require.
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