Kirk & Kirk have unveiled their new communications campaign. Shot by London photographer, Kate Bones, famous for her ‘moving’ GIF photography, the campaign features models exclusively selected from WIMP, an agency specialising in TRANS+ talent. Kate shoots on film and uses her own, very specific technique to create 3d animations, GIF portraiture, a synthesis of low-fi and hi-fi techniques.

“Our models reflect our inclusive approach to everything that we do. Some are activists but they are all individuals, each with their own unique style and an integrity and authenticity that shines through in their work,” said Jason Kirk, “so it was natural to pair the talent from WIMP with the hypnotic photography of Kate Bones.”
It’s cool, relevant and so colourful, you simply won’t be able to look away! And that stands for the campaign as well as for the collection itself. Chunky acetate meets larger than life shapes for those who dare to combine and be bold.
If you dig that style and you want to see more animated models wearing the new Kirk & Kirk collection, make sure to visit:
Also check out their refined Kirk & Kirk logo which truly reflects the progress of the brand!