[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”SUN CLIP-ONS BY MARKUS T” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center” google_fonts=”font_family:Libre%20Baskerville%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][vc_custom_heading text=”Bring on the sunshine” font_container=”tag:h5|text_align:center” google_fonts=”font_family:Old%20Standard%20TT%3Aregular%2Citalic%2C700|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][mk_gallery images=”32684,32686″ column=”2″ image_size=”full”][vc_column_text]Did you know that it takes about 8 minutes until light from the sun reaches earth? Therefore, you kinda have 8 minutes to decide which MARKUS T sun clip you would like to get. Clip-ons are available for each set of frame from the DESIGN Classic collection as well as models in the ME and TITAN collections. To make the most out of sunny days, the lenses come in polarizing quality and offer the best UV protection.[/vc_column_text][mk_gallery images=”32689,32687,32685,32688″ column=”4″ image_size=”full” orderby=”menu_order”][/vc_column][/vc_row]