MODO // The Beauty of Technology

MODO SS22 collection introduces PVD coating: a cutting-edge and eco-friendly technology.

Once again MODO push the boundaries of innovation, to deliver distinctive details and lasting quality, with an eye on eco-friendly solutions.

PVD Technology // High quality and eco-friendly surface finish

PVD (Physical Vapour Deposition) is a process where the coating material is vaporised by bombardment with laser beams and condensed to form a very thin film on our the beta-titanium temples.

This is one of the latest innovations in coating techniques and it offers extreme resistance to corrosion, scratches and aggressive cleaning agents – much more than other techniques such as electro-galvanic.

PVD technology is safe and eco-friendly, with no environmental impact during the processing phases. It is clean and dry and does not generate chemical waste or water pollution and as such, it is in line with MODO’s broader approach towards sustainability.

To find out more about the PVD technology and have a proper look at the frames, check out:

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