NEUBAU EYEWEAR presents new TITANIUM collection using harmonising contrasts

Under the title HARMONY OF OPPOSITES, the Austrian premium eyewear label NEUBAU EYEWEAR presents a new studio collection in January 2022. Filigree shapes made of robust TITANIUM characterise the collection of a total of four sunglasses and five optical glasses and embody a perfect interplay of natural contrasts in an innovative way. Minimalist aesthetics and particularly resistant material harmonise with a bright but discreet colour scheme.

NEUBAU’s passion is to harmonise aesthetics and sustainability, and so the first collection in 2022 also demonstrates a high standard of design and quality. The high-quality beta titanium comes from Japan and can be recycled and used in a particularly sustainable way with low material input. It is characterised by high-quality properties such as high flexibility, extreme lightness and long-lasting colour intensity. The entire collection is produced locally in the heart of beautiful Austria.

The entire collection is available as of January 2022. There’s something to look forward to!
In the meantime, you can check out NEUBAUs Brand Profile and selected models on FAVR vorbei!